Your Divine Solar Power – Archangel Jophielle


Enjoy and take time to smell the flowers. Every day. And as many times the better!


See life and all around you with renewed inner child’s eyes.


See how life is full of promise, full of miracles, magic, and joyful surprises all around you, at all times.


Life holds the potential for so much more joy, bliss, and expansion if you allow it and trust.


Source always knows what is best for you. Trust that it is showing you the way and bringing it to you at all times. And nothing is impossible.


You can live your life as you please. As your heart guides you to.


Bring the sunshine into your heart, burning up all the walls of mistrust, fear, and illusion into Love. Into possibility. Into the infinity of You.


All is possible. Miracles abound for the one who sees and expect perfect unfoldment of the divine design.


May you fill your expectations with beauty, wonder, and amazement.


All serves you so well. You get to choose your perspective at all times.


And remember, Source knows you and what is best for you.


It is time to bring the sunshine in no matter what the conditions are outside of you. This is your true power as the deliberate divine creator that you are.


Relax, have fun, enjoy. Life is not meant to be so serious. Lighten up and play! Breathe in and out, shake up your booty and go outside to greet nature. She is waiting for you, ready to embrace you and fill you with renewed life force, peace, and inspiration.


All around you speaks to and responds to you. Realize how magnetic and magical you truly are.


Open yourself up and expect the unexpected. Expect the very best in infinite and all-ways.


You are so loved and supported by all of Us, your true Family.


Let yourself be loved and be secure into the knowledge that all is well and shall be for you, always.


Because you are what you believe. You attract and become where you put your focus on. So why not put it into the sunshine, and revel into the magic and magnificence of all that is.


This is your birthright.


Are you saying yes to life? Is it a big yes? Or a not so open yes?


See where your no(s) come from; fear and any past conditionings. It may be time to bring in the light from the sunshine to alchemize your limitations into the new Light of Truth.


Do not limit your creations by focussing on what is, on what you have been used to or accustomed to in the past. See beyond the possible, look into the infinity of the Source Creation connecting into your heart space.


Nurture the sunshine within you.


It is time, you beautiful solar creators!


Call on us and walk hand in hand with your Soul Family of the Light.


Know that you are always guided to be at the right place at the right time.


And so it is

Photo credits

Top image: Source link (author unknown)

Bottom photo: Gabriela Tulian, Canada






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