Integrating Your Own Power – Inspirations from the Spirit of the Trees and the Elves

Yin Yang Tree

Today, I feel guided to speak about my personal experience involving my own spiritual transformation into balancing and owning my power: the way of the clever woman/man into mastership.

As many of you I believe, I used to be very impatient with the way things unfolded and the time it took for the evolution of my inner transformation. One of the biggest lessons in life is to learn to embody patience and trust, which are essentially the same thing.

Wherever you feel “stuck” is indicative of an area – shadow – within yourself that needs acknowledgement – light – and love in order to transmute your own inner hindrance and imbalance.

Now, ascension is really the descension of your Higher Self into this physical plane on Earth. One of the many traps that many of us on this chosen path encounter is to beat ourselves up for not achieving the inner peace and state of joy faster and longer into the physical 3D, which is still about wanting to control the how and when of the outcome.

All along the way, it is important to recognize this fact within us while not getting into more of the “beating ourselves up” for having done so. The key is literally forgiveness and love in all directions, and mostly towards yourself each and every time you find yourself doubting and experiencing unpleasant emotions. This is all part of the liberation process; the soaring free eagle that you wish to be.

So you can’t just rush the process, just as you can’t rush the rhythm of a beautiful musical symphony in sections where it needs to slow down and even breathe into laps of silence. Oh! And those are so sweet and delectable, meant to be exactly where they are for appreciation of the Now and of the Whole all at once.

Mastery of Self, as you know, is a process in of itself of claiming back and owning your Power. It is an ever-expanding process through practice. Even if we do have all the help from our spiritual team (physical and non-physical) and the energetic shift of the Ages on Earth in synch with the entire galaxy, it is still something that requires diligent practice and respect for the rhythm of the cycles and phases of it. A “naturally gifted” born dancer still has to practice and develop his or her skills during many years in order to master the art of dance.

The spirit of the trees and the elves collective are coaching me to integrate balance and allow the flow of trust, love, and confidence within me. They are showing me how to clear and transform my thought patterns so that they become more in harmony with the symphony of who I AM and wish to become in this earth plane.

The trees teach me how to energetically ground myself (my whole Self) into the Earth to find balance, stability, and thus, power and efficiency in equal measure, while reaching for the light and practicing the highest nutritional thoughts and feelings.

They are helping me to trust in the unknown; into the Great Mystery. This is the wisdom of the heart; of the divine feminine balanced within.

As long as we cannot accept and trust this essential part of the All That Is and of how Creation really works, then we shall always fall short into resisting the very process that sets us free.

The fear of the unknown is the fear of losing control. The fear of losing control is the fear of death itself.

Dying is truly an empowering act. This is where real transformation and freedom become possible.

Why being so afraid of the unknown then?

Why being afraid of the very Magic of Creation?

These are very important questions you might ask yourself. To help you see and transmute the imbalance within. Through Love and Compassion.

In this life’s journey into awakening and incarnating your full power and majesty, you are constantly guided to look into the mirror for the gifts of the Truth within and without (which are often blessings in disguise).

Finding balance within the center of your sacred heart truly helps to ground the wisdom and guidance of your Higher Self in the Now, so that peace and innate knowing leads the way of your life.

We do have tremendous and numerous helpers on this journey. Yet, this remains an individual journey in which you need to participate through your will and devotion, since You are the main actor, scriptwriter and director of your life and destiny.

I would like to end with this quote by author Lynn V. Andrews from the book Crystal Woman: The Sisters of the Dreamtime:

“I understood something which had never been totally clear to me before. As a warrioress, you must first be able to climb onto your own plateau of centeredness before help comes. If you’re scattered, the spirits scatter. Once you gather your forces and pray and honor your inward silence, all the life-giving forces of nature become curious and flock into your energy field.”

In honor of all the helpers and guides from all kingdoms on Earth and the Cosmos, but mostly, in honor of your own inner journey, I salute you.

In love and Light,


°The Return by Autumnskyemorrison

Top image source:

Second painting: “The Return” by Autumn Skye Morrison



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